Sustainable Farming & Regeneration Activities

1.Commitment to Sustainable farming & Regeneration activities:

At Prakriti Resort, we are deeply committed to sustainable agriculture practices and the cultivation of organic produce. One of the main reasons behind the practice of organic farming is to embark on the protection on environmental degradation and pollution in land, water and air. It creates a positive impact on the health of the farmers themselves, people living within the communities, and those who consume it. It benefits the native animals, wildlife in the surroundings and also acts to save the soil. As we understand the success to the organic farming can be successful if it comes in combination with tourism as it provides the market for own consumption. As guided by the self sustained principles, our organic farm is constantly evolving and efforts are being made in producing as many vegetables, fruits, herbs and spices as possible.

At Prakriti Resort, we believe in the synergy of organic farming, community involvement, and environmental responsibility. Our dedication to sustainable practices ensures not only a healthy and authentic culinary experience but also a positive impact on the world around us. Join us on our journey toward self-sufficiency and discover the beauty of sustainable living through our farm-to-table experience.

Environmental Stewardship: We are committed to reducing our environmental footprint by implementing biodegradable initiatives.

  • We prioritize the protection of the environment, focusing on reducing pollution in land, water, and air.
  • Our waste materials are composted to enrich the soil, ensuring optimal crop growth.
  • We employ eco-friendly pest management strategies and use natural repellents to safeguard our crops.

Natural Farming Techniques:

  • We use natural agents like Trichoderma and Pseudomonas to promote healthy plant growth and enhance soil microorganisms.
  • Crop rotation is part of our practices to maintain soil fertility and prevent pest infestations.
  • Beekeeping is integral to effective plant pollination, supporting biodiversity.
  • Our cows and buffaloes provide fresh milk for our kitchen, and their urine and dung are used as organic fertilizers.

Self-Sufficiency and Community Involvement:

  • We save seeds each year that are well adapted to our local environment.
  • We actively encourage our members and villagers to adopt organic farming practices.
  • We also source daily needs from local member farmers and villagers, promoting community engagement.

Transparency and Tourism:

  • While we don’t claim that all our food is grown on our farm, we are on a journey toward self-sustainable organic farming.
  • Our farm produces a variety of organic fruits, vegetables, spices, mushrooms, crops, green Tea and herbs, which are used in our kitchen and made available to our guests.
  • We integrate sustainable farming with tourism, providing a market for our produce and promoting the importance of organic food.
  • Natural Concept Farm & Garden Designs: Our resort features a natural concept garden design, thoughtfully landscaped with indigenous plants, ferns, vines, and ornamental plantations surrounding the premises. We have incorporated ponds and water recharge trenches to replenish local water sources and create a serene ambiance.
  • Scenic Spots and Features: Throughout our resort, we have thoughtfully placed view points, view decks, swings, and pavilions, allowing guests to immerse themselves in the beauty of the surrounding landscape.

Vermi composting: Vermi composting is an essential and eco-friendly waste management practice employed at our resort. This method involves feeding a combination of kitchen waste, cow dung, and farming bio-products to a special type of earthworm known as red wigglers. These remarkable creatures are adept at breaking down organic matter into a nutrient-rich and highly fertile form of compost known as vermicompost or worm castings.



This sustainable approach offers several benefits to our resort:

  1. Waste Reduction: Vermi composting efficiently recycles kitchen waste and other organic materials, significantly reducing the amount of waste sent to landfills. It aligns with our commitment to responsible waste management.
  2. High-Quality Organic Manure: The vermicompost produced by the earthworms is a premium organic fertilizer. It is rich in essential nutrients, microorganisms, and beneficial enzymes that enhance soil health and plant growth.
  3. Sustainability: Vermi composting exemplifies our dedication to sustainable farming practices. By using the vermicompost on our farm, we reduce the need for synthetic fertilizers and promote organic, chemical-free agriculture.
  4. Easy Management: Vermi composting is relatively easy to maintain, making it a practical choice for our resort. It keeps waste management streamlined while producing valuable organic resources.

Fishery activity: Our resort’s fishery activity is a wonderful and sustainable addition to our self-sustained philosophy, providing a unique and enjoyable experience for our guests. Here’s how our fishery operation works:

Carp fish Farming: We maintain a large pond that serves multiple purposes. It primarily functions as a reservoir for accumulating water for our farming activities, ensuring that we have a reliable water source for our crops. Simultaneously, this pond is used for carp fish farming. Carp is a popular and hardy species that is well-suited for fish farming.

  • Seasonal Management: The pond is stocked with carp fish, which are allowed to grow and thrive. However, they are only available for catch during certain times of the year. Up until the month of May, the fish are left undisturbed. This aligns with our commitment to sustainability, as it allows the fish to mature naturally without overharvesting.
  • Freshly Caught Fish: As the hot season begins in May, our guests have the unique opportunity to enjoy freshly caught fish from our own farm. This provides a fresh and authentic culinary experience that sets our resort apart. Guests can savor the taste of locally sourced and sustainably farmed fish as part of their stay, contributing to the farm-to-table concept and the celebration of our self-sustained philosophy.

Cow farming: The practice of cow and buffalo farming in our resort is an integral part of our self-sustained philosophy, contributing to various aspects of sustainability and waste management:

Fresh Milk Production: Cow and buffalo farming provides our resort with a regular supply of fresh milk. This milk can be used in your kitchen, offering guests a delightful taste of locally sourced and organic dairy products. The production of fresh milk on-site reduces the need for external sourcing, aligning with your self-sufficiency goals.

Organic Fertilizer Production: Another significant benefit of cow and buffalo farming is the production of organic fertilizer. Their dung is a valuable source of nutrient-rich compost that can be used to enhance soil fertility in your farming activities. This organic fertilizer not only supports the growth of healthy crops but also minimizes the need for chemical fertilizers, promoting eco-friendly and sustainable agriculture.

Waste Management: Feeding farm secondary bio-products to cows and buffaloes aids in your waste management efforts. It allows you to recycle and repurpose organic waste materials effectively. By providing these bio-products as feed, we are reducing the volume of waste that needs to be managed through other means, contributing to a more sustainable and efficient waste management process.

Sustainability and Self-Sufficiency: Cow and buffalo farming epitomize our commitment to sustainability, self-sufficiency, and community involvement. We are not only producing essential food items like milk but also using these animals as part of a closed-loop system to support your agricultural activities and waste management. This aligns with the overarching goal of harmonizing our resort with the environment and local communities.