Local Sourcing Practices at Prakriti Resort

Community support: We actively support the local economy and community by sourcing our food and products from nearby suppliers, thereby reducing carbon emissions related to transportation and fostering economic growth.

Here are the key initiatives and practices in this regard:

  1. Local Ownership: Locals and farmers are actively involved as shareholders in Prakriti Resort. This involvement allows them to have a stake in the success of the resort and share in its benefits.
  2. Enhanced Share Values: Prakriti Resort employs various strategies to increase the share values of farmers and locals. This includes converting benefits such as leased land’s yearly rent, wages, and the purchase of essential materials like mud, timber, and stones into share values.
  3. Local Employment: The resort provides valuable employment opportunities for the local population. This not only boosts the livelihoods of community members but also fosters a strong sense of ownership and participation.
  1. Local Purchases: Prakriti Resort follows a local purchases policy, prioritizing the procurement of goods and services from nearby communities. This approach ensures that the economic benefits of the resort are channeled back into the local economy. We purchase all the meat items such as Trout fish, local Goat, Pheasant, and Chicken from the villagers around our resort.
  2. Livelihood Training: The resort actively encourages and facilitates livelihood training programs for villagers. These training initiatives empower locals with the skills and knowledge needed to improve their economic prospects and quality of life.
  3. Home Stay and Organic Farming Management Training: Prakriti Resort provides training to locals in home stay management and organic farming. This equips them with the tools to participate in and benefit from tourism-related activities.
  4. Farmers Market: Every Saturday morning, Prakriti Resort hosts a farmers’ market where farm products and local goods are showcased and sold. This not only supports local farmers but also fosters community engagement.
  5. Home Stay Promotion: The resort actively promotes and supports home stay activities within the village. This offers an additional income source for villagers and enriches the cultural experience for visitors.

By embracing these practices, Prakriti Resort is dedicated to enhancing the local economy, providing sustainable livelihoods, and ensuring that the benefits of tourism extend to the community. This approach reflects a commitment to holistic and responsible tourism development.