Reduce light pollution

Meeting the standards for reducing light pollution:

We have taken the necessary steps to combat environmental pollution, even addressing the seemingly innocuous issue of light pollution. The rapid increase in light pollution is primarily due to the improper placement and design of intense artificial lighting, both indoors and outdoors. Such excessive or poorly designed lighting can have adverse effects on human health, wildlife behavior, and our ability to observe celestial objects like stars.

Here at Prakriti Resort, we’ve implemented various measures to minimize light pollution:

  • We avoid unnecessary or excessive use of lights.
  • Lights in pathways are positioned at a low level to prevent direct glare in the eyes.
  • We use warm LED lamps with decorative light covers inspired by nature.
  • Lights are turned off when not in use, and we have installed light sensors in garden lights.
  • We provide candle lighting in rooms and dining areas.