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Map Description: Driving Route from Sundarijal Dobato to Prakriti Resort

1. Starting Point: Sundarijal Dobato

  • Location: Begin your journey at Sundarijal Dobato, a well-known bus stop and a gateway to nature.

2. Head to Mahankal Checkpoint

  • Direction: Drive through Bagmati bridge- Melamchi Drinking office and Barbet restaurants at the end
  • Landmark: The Mahankal Checkpoint will be on your point, marking the entrance to the serene landscapes of Shivapuri National Park.

3. Continue to Mulkharka Intersection

  • Direction: After passing the Mahankal Checkpoint, continue driving straight.
  • Landmark: You will reach the Mulkharka intersection, a key junction along your route.

4. Turn Right at Mulkharka Intersection

  • Direction: At the Mulkharka intersection, make a right turn.
  • Map Note: This is crucial; if you miss this turn, you’ll head towards the wrong path.

5. Stay on the Main Road

  • Direction: Continue driving straight along the main road.
  • Map Note: You will see two roads branching off to the left. Do not take these; stay on the primary route leading you towards Dhap Dam.

6. Drive Toward Dhap Dam

  • Landmark: Follow the signs towards Dhap Dam.
  • Distance: Keep an eye out for to water mill and a manichud stop.

7. Arriving at Dhap Dam Junction

  • Direction: Once you reach the Dhap Dam area, take a moment to enjoy the view of the dam and the peaceful surroundings.

8. Final Stretch to Prakriti Resort

  • Direction: From Dhap Dam, head towards Hille Bhanjyang, haibung
  • Final Destination: Follow the road, and you will soon arrive at Prakriti Resort, where relaxation and natural beauty await.

Important Driving Notes

  • Road Conditions: Be prepared for varied terrain. The route features steep inclines, sharp turns, and uneven patches that can challenge even seasoned drivers.
  • Vehicle Recommendations:
    • Avoid Low Ground Clearance Cars: Vehicles with low clearance may struggle with the road conditions. Opt for a car with higher clearance for a more comfortable ride.
    • Four-Wheel Drive Recommended: If possible, use a four-wheel drive vehicle for better traction, especially during rainy seasons when the roads may become muddy.
  • Speed Caution: Drive slowly and cautiously, especially in areas with sharp curves or near other vehicles. Keep an eye out for pedestrians and livestock on the road.
  • Weather Awareness: Check the weather conditions before you set out, as heavy rain can impact road conditions significantly. Be prepared for sudden weather changes in the mountainous region.
  • Fuel Up: Ensure your vehicle is fueled up before starting the journey, as fuel stations may be limited along the route.
  • Emergency Kit: Carry an emergency kit that includes a first-aid supply, water, and snacks, just in case you need to stop for any unexpected delays.

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